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North Texas Chapter

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American Meteorological Society
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National Weather Association

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North Texas Chapter of the American Meteorological Society and the National Weather Association

This organization shall be known as the North Texas Chapter of the American Meteorological Society and the National Weather Association. Any reference to a North Texas Chapter of the American Meteorological Society or a North Texas Chapter of the National Weather Association shall be referring to this chapter. Hereafter in this Constitution it will be referred to as the Chapter, the American Meteorological Society will be referred to as the Society, and the National Weather Association will be referred to as the Association.

The objectives of the Chapter shall be: "The development and dissemination of the knowledge of meteorology in all its phases and applications and the advancement of its professional ideals."

1. Membership in the Chapter is open to anyone interested in meteorology and its related fields, pays the Chapter’s dues, and who agrees to abide by the requirements of this constitution and By-laws.
2. Membership in the Society, Association, or both shall be encouraged but shall not be required for membership in the Chapter.

1. The elective officers of this Chapter shall consist of President, Vice-President, Treasurer, and Secretary. Their term of office shall be for a period of one year and may be re-elected.

2. The President shall hold membership in the Society; the remaining elective officers shall hold membership in either the Society or the Association.

3. Officers shall be elected at the final official Chapter meeting of the year in a manner prescribed under Article IX of the Chapter’s Constitution.

4. The succession of officers shall be: President, Vice-President, Secretary and Treasurer.

5. Any vacated office shall be filled by action of the executive committee in accordance with the local chapter Constitution.

6. The President shall report directly to the Executive Directors of the Society and the Association.

1. There shall be only one standing Committee: The Executive Committee, which shall be comprised of the elective officers, the immediate past president, and the four (4) members of the Advisory Council.

2. The Advisory Council shall consist of four (4) members of the Chapter. Advisory council members shall be elected by the members at a regular meeting of the Chapter, and shall serve terms of one year.

3. Additional committees, such as a Program Committee or a Publicity Committee, shall be created at the discretion of the Executive Committee.

4. Should no more than two (2) members of the Executive Committee be absent from a committee meeting, any action taken in that meeting shall be binding.

1. Regular meetings of the Chapter shall be at monthly intervals, with the following qualifications:

  1. There shall be no regular meetings during the period June through August.
  2. At the discretion of the Executive Committee, regular meetings may be held more or less frequently, but no less frequently than once every two months.

2. The dates and locations of the regular meetings shall be set by the Executive Committee.

3. The first meeting of the year shall be held in September.

4. Special meetings may be called by a majority vote of the Executive Committee, upon a petition by ten active members or by majority vote of a quorum present at a regular meeting.

5. A quorum is defined as more than one-third of the active membership.

6. All regular meetings shall be announced in writing to all members by any elective officer at least seven (7) days prior to the meeting. The announcement shall be sent by electronic email unless prior arrangement has been made with any member without email access. The announcement shall include no less than the date, time, location, and purpose of the meeting.

7. The business portion of regular meetings shall be limited to one-half hour, except as extended for a particular meeting by a majority vote of a quorum present.

8.The business portion of the Chapter meetings shall be conducted in accordance with Robert’s Rules of Order, Revised Edition as interpreted by the President or by a Chapter member appointed by the President.

1. The annual dues shall be an amount specified by the Executive Committee with the concurrence of a quorum of the membership.

2. Said amount of the annual dues shall be specified before, and be due at, the first meeting of the year.

3. Anyone who has not paid said dues within 60 days after the first meeting of the year is automatically suspended from active membership. Upon payment of dues that person shall be reinstated in the Chapter.

1. Expenditure of Chapter funds in excess of $25.00 shall require the approval of a majority of a quorum of members present at a regularly scheduled Chapter meeting.

2. Expenditure of Chapter funds of less than $25.00 must be authorized by a majority of the Executive Committee.

1. At the final regular meeting of the year, the Executive Committee shall present to the membership a panel of candidates for Officers for the next year. Voting shall be done at the same meeting.

2. All active members of the local Chapter may participate in voting.

3. The vote of a majority of a quorum of members present at a regularly scheduled meeting is required for the election of officers and for matters other than Constitution or By-Laws reform.

1. These Articles shall be amended or revised when deemed necessary by, and with the concurrence of, a two-thirds majority of those active members present at a meeting, given that a quorum is present.

2. The Executive Committee shall review these Articles before the first meeting of the year for the purpose of presenting to the membership at the meeting any revisions they deem necessary.

3. Any revisions to these Articles shall be presented in writing to the membership at one (1) regular meeting and shall be voted upon at the next regular meeting of the Chapter.

This Chapter is organized and operated exclusively for nonprofit purposes, and no part of its earnings shall accrue to the benefit of any member.

Upon dissolution or disbandment of this organization, all funds and properties in excess of liabilities and expenses of dissolution will be distributed as determined by a majority of the active members.

This Chapter Constitution and By-Laws shall become effective upon approval of the Executive Directors of the American Meteorological Society and National Weather Association.

Revised November, 2002
Gregory J. Story, Chapter President

© Copyright 2012 by North Texas Chapter of the American Meteorological Society. All Rights Reserved.

Page revised: 9 February 2021